Saturday, September 24, 2011

Master Technician - Reasonable Rates - Quality Work | Augusta | eBay Classifieds (Kijiji) | 12872111

Master Technician - Reasonable Rates- Quality Work | Augusta | eBay Classifieds (Kijiji) | 12872111

SeaSense 1100 GPH Bilge Pump

Sorry to have been incognito! I have had sooo much going on that I almost decided not to do my blogs anymore, wondering what it is I am hoping to accomplish with them, are they fun, enjoyable, meaningful, helpful, stupid ....? Well, I'm still doing them, AND I will update both by tomorrow evening, hopefully THIS evening!

In the meantime, as you see, I have posted an ad for my boyfriend on ebay, and I will be building a site for him too ..... AND NO, NOT AN ADULT ONE!  haha 

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