Wednesday, September 28, 2011

CNN.COM - and I'M ON IT!!!! I Wrote About the Woman Who Was Presumed Drowned ..............

Ok, this is what all can happen in just a few days time when you don't work on your blog:

  • Woman Presumed Drowned in Augusta, GA at the Ironman Event in Augusta, GA ... leads to:
  • CNN.COM - Lady Eve - I write my First Story for Them!  YES, the REAL CNN!  Just a couple of days late in posting.  It all kind of happened with little idea of the end result. Read .... leads to: ....
  • Decisions to consider writing, one of my passions, as a possible new venture in my life on a much more regular basis ... leads to ...
  • Hiring several part-time helpers/employees to help me go FULL CHARGE at least 1000% and make even MORE money than I did last year, haha ... leads to ...
  • I MAY JUST CONSIDER BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE when I grow up! Leads to ... I want several new jetskis when I get rich,

Leads to ... a POST FINALLY, damn it! 

Oh, will have a new page for suggestions and looking for a resume form for those interested in helping me make my MILLIONS!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Master Technician - Reasonable Rates - Quality Work | Augusta | eBay Classifieds (Kijiji) | 12872111

Master Technician - Reasonable Rates- Quality Work | Augusta | eBay Classifieds (Kijiji) | 12872111

SeaSense 1100 GPH Bilge Pump

Sorry to have been incognito! I have had sooo much going on that I almost decided not to do my blogs anymore, wondering what it is I am hoping to accomplish with them, are they fun, enjoyable, meaningful, helpful, stupid ....? Well, I'm still doing them, AND I will update both by tomorrow evening, hopefully THIS evening!

In the meantime, as you see, I have posted an ad for my boyfriend on ebay, and I will be building a site for him too ..... AND NO, NOT AN ADULT ONE!  haha 

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Masturbation, Roadblock, ... What Do You Do When You're Bored?

Yep, I'm bored, and here I am ... trying to figure out WTF to do when I am bored right now. It's Friday night, not even 11PM yet, and my boyfriend and I are waiting on a friend to show up from out of town. This friend is a ditz; says 45 minutes, almost there, oh hell, probably two hours .... ?? Damn, are you lost or something or high, or just plain ... well, ummm, stupid?? These are the things I've considered:
  1. Leaving til the friend says they are parked in front of our houseboat.
  2. Masturbating. Yes, sorry, I DID say masturbating. I mean, that's what I was thinking of doing .... so??
  3. Telling the friend to just come tomorrow once they are in town and settled SOMEWHERE ELSE!
  4. Fishing, but the f'ing fish are NOT biting!
  5. Going for a boat ride ... but waiting on the damned friend.
  6. Going to bed.
  7. Masturbating. Ok, so what if I like to masturbate a lot??
  8. Going for a car ride in the BMW my boyfriend worked on and has to keep til the am to make sure the battery is still alive when cranked!
Ahhhhh, we went for a ride to get something to drink and just enjoy the night air. Then, what happens? We hit a road block, big time, haha. That's ok, we weren't drinking and seldom do.

Now we are fishing and the friend has come briefly and gone!

PS ... STILL open for ongoing help to post my blog link and links on my google profile all over the net.  I will pay using paypal, amazon, cash, money order, or trade web design/web page, video editing etc for the help.  I need MASSIVE ADVERTISING and LINKING HELP!

Nite all!

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Boat Almost Sunk, I Caught a 3.5 LB Small Mouth Bass .... My Birthday Today ... and Gossip?!?!

Wow, how many days since I have posted ... ??  Ok, what all happens in a few days:

  1. Today was my birthday, but no internet til now because I used all of my T-mobile internet stick up in a few days ... 3 gb in what, 3 days? Oooops, I didn't think STREAMING movies on Netflix counted!
  2.  I caught a 3.5 or 4 lb. small-mouth bass on a worm, with weights as it drifted towards the bottom, AT NIGHT! I caught SEVERAL SMALL big-mouth bass first though, which was interesting. PICTURE HERE OF COURSE!
  3. We had company for a few nights on the other boat, and, as most of the times it turns out, he was a bit of a pain in the ass, haha.  Intelligent, outcast by many, LOOOOVED to drink, cleaned and cleaned on the boat, took it upon himself to get his own materials and wanted to be paid for it (no notice to us that he was doing that when we had our own stuff!), left a commode of S H I T to be cleaned up ... but was intelligent conversation ONE night at least! Oh, and wanted to be paid for the cleaning job!
  4. Sent a 'lil money to son, gave daughter a 'lil money.
  5. OHHHHH, dropped my damned phone into the river, and it's irretrievably gone, unless a diver comes along, like before, and he finds it.  Believe it or NOT, that is possible.  I need a new one, of course, but have already had to replace enough because of today and yesterday!
  6. Ohhh, also dropped my license overboard, a carton of cigaret
  7. tes, haha, a couple other things due to a boat slamming right by, in spite of the NO-WAKE ZONE!
Ok, that should be enough for now!  What a birthday!  My boyfriend did get me another internet refill, haha, took me out to eat last night and today, AND BOTH meals were GREAT.  The Sports Center on Broad Street in Augusta, GA has Wednesday night steak night for $12, just upped it from $10, and a fantastic meal!!  Then we ate seafood today at another location!  Sports-Center-Augusta

Save $25 on orders of $50 or more at!$25 Off Orders of $50 or More at!
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Lady Eve Lives on a Houseboat Now: Wow! Did Lady Eve Drown?? Was IT Just a HUUUGE Fi...

Lady Eve Lives on a Houseboat Now: Wow! Did Lady Eve Drown?? Was IT Just a HUUUGE Fi...: .... that pulled her in? lol Or was that just a catchy title (hopefully), to draw your attention into reading my blog ... ? Well, it's th...
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Wow! Did Lady Eve Drown?? Was IT Just a HUUUGE Fish .....

.... that pulled her in?  lol Or was that just a catchy title (hopefully), to draw your attention into reading my blog ... ?

Well, it's the Labor Day Weekend, tons of boats will be around on the Marina.  But guess what?  We aren't living where we were, and for now, that's all I'm saying.  Can you figure out where we are now?  It still involves water and fishing and a HOUSEBOAT.   I've come to know, on a deeper level, just what it's like when you have money, or DON'T ... or if people PERCEIVE you have it or not, as well.  When I moved into a VERY upscale neighborhood in Evans, GA, people treated me with a new "respect" of sorts, a new interest, and they all presumed that I "had money".  Along with all that, though, came nosy judgemental neighbors.  Well, on the Marina, that seems to happen, ironically, infinitely moreso than in a ritzy, upscale, snooty neighborhood in the burbs.  If you are perceived to have no money here, OH MY GOD, you just ... well, you just don't seem to "belong".  Wow!  I have to say that I have never run across such a conglomeration of attitudes as I have since being down there.  Of course, having the boyfriend, haha, that I do, doesn't help, and he never seems to realize, nor observe, what the particular so-called "decorum" of a neighborhood calls for.  Long story short, we are still around, but not on AUGUSTA'S RIVERFRONT MARINA'S A DOCK now.  LOL  I want to link to it, but I'm already at a huge risk of being "CAUGHT" red-handed by the minions and may be branded or burned on the stake.  And goodness, DID THE MAYOR REALLY GET CALLED MORE THAN ONCE ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND???

I'm not sure that any of this makes sense to most, but it does to me and anyone else associated with it. 

Anyhow, let me see if I can get the fish pictures uploaded that I'm about 2-3 weeks past due on posting!

Will it Be Fish or Pizza Tonight?

Oh, hoping to go to Boston for a week or two ... More to be told about that story soon! 
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