Friday, August 26, 2011

Should I Get Another Houseboat JUST for Domme Sessions on the River??

Lady Eve Domme Profile

Yeah, that is exactly what I would like to do and call it Domination OR Lady Eve's Domination. The houseboat I live on has not been "officially" named, though targeted for Domination, so the Domme Boat could be Domination II. What do you folks think about that idea? Personally, I love it. Of course, it would be a dead giveaway as to what I do and could cause quite the stir! I have had my share of speculation and controversy already! Give me your input and get a view of one of my ADULT SETS of photos. I'll give you the link or pass.

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1 comment:

Jimmy Da Foot said...

I love the idea too ;-) but as you mentioned it WOULD be a dead give-a-way as to what you too.
Never know though...may get more customers ;-)