Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ok, Here is My REAL Life Today ... Threatened, Cussed at, Degraded ... by Family

LadyEveDomme Profile

Well ... it started out ok ... then turned into something not expected. Now, don't I wish it was a HUUUUGE fish that we had caught unexpectedly?  NO SUCH LUCK! It was one of those situations that you get caught up in by helping someone, near-family, that turns into a disaster.  You know those people in your life, generally family, that you know you should not help because of how it has always turned out in the past ... but time goes by, and you go ahead, generally in spite of your better judgement saying "You know how it always turned out in the past, right?"  Yep, that is what happened ...

We live on a houseboat on the marina, in Augusta, and I sometimes wonder if I should even write about it/them/us/it again, in  a blog.  But I'm taking that chance anyhow.  I've never worried too much about the potential backlash of my recent career, sometimes career, affiliation WITH that type of career, blase, blase, blaaaaseeee.  It has been quite interesting though, in many ways, has certainly afforded me a sort of fame and notoriety, VERY visible fame to many, not-to-be-known fame/notoriety to others, and then sometimes downright, well, damn, is this something I wanted??  Did I screw my own life up in some ways by choosing this path?? 

Anyhow, it was a, help my brothers girlfriend afternoon that turned sour, real sour.  Then the brother feels ratted out, (total nutshell version going on here), and HE turns extremely volatile, SHE says it was our fault that she wrecked HER car because she brought gas to my boyfriend ... hmmm, SHE texted and called me to death for a favor that I didn't even want to do.  Perhaps it was HER fault for texting me and coming here, perhaps it was HER fault that she pulled out in front of the other car, AGAIN, and got hit.  PERHAPS it was HER fault that she got hit because she is a bit of a careless driver??  But no, it was OUR fault, I ratted my own brother out, etc etc etc LOL.  Oh, and it was our fault that he has no ride to work in the morning because he chose to be a DICK about it all, show his ass, cuss, scream and yell and threaten bodily harm??

Yeah,  THIS was a not-so-great, not-to-really-be-revealed day in my life on the houseboat on the river.  But it happened, and I said you could have a peek at my life as it really is.
Oh, and for you guys that may not have figured it out yet, this is NOT a girlie only blog. I mainly advertise sports/hardware, auto parts, outdoors, etc, so be sure to click the ads!

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Should I Get Another Houseboat JUST for Domme Sessions on the River??

Lady Eve Domme Profile

Yeah, that is exactly what I would like to do and call it Domination OR Lady Eve's Domination. The houseboat I live on has not been "officially" named, though targeted for Domination, so the Domme Boat could be Domination II. What do you folks think about that idea? Personally, I love it. Of course, it would be a dead giveaway as to what I do and could cause quite the stir! I have had my share of speculation and controversy already! Give me your input and get a view of one of my ADULT SETS of photos. I'll give you the link or pass.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lady Eve Lives on a Houseboat Now: And I Was Going To Post DAILY on TWO BLOGS??? Yea...

Lady Eve Lives on a Houseboat Now: And I Was Going To Post DAILY on TWO BLOGS??? Yea...: It's hard enough to get one post on one blog done, it seems, along with all the linking, linking, linking, and posting, and advertising all ...

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And I Was Going To Post DAILY on TWO BLOGS??? Yeah, right!

It's hard enough to get one post on one blog done, it seems, along with all the linking, linking, linking, and posting, and advertising all of my new ventures!

Quick post ... fish pics, I PROMISE, are coming up soon!! Yeah, right again.

I'm ready for a vacation ... and no, not on the river.

Rocky on the relationship front, but probably because of me in some ways. I BELIEVE in rocking the boat baby.

I need hired help and part-timers. SERIOUS ENQUIRIES ONLY!!!!

I promise to have spicier, nicier updates by the weekend.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Want to See My Lil Casesar's Pizza Box Fish - No Fish Story Here!!

I had said that I would post pics of some fish next time. My boyfriend and I had stayed up late having some hot sex and we still weren't tired. He decided to fish for a little while as I showered. Well, I'm THE fisherwoman around here. He had fished for an hour without a bite, and I came out and caught these two WHALES within 10 minutes. Hey, judge for yourself! NO fish story here as I said. Fishing is really good most of the time down here on the river. Yes, me ... I love to fish. I went from porn and a fancy house to a houseboat and fishing haha.  Oooops, now you are going to probably wonder if I'm telling a story, because I can't get the phone to email the pics to me.  Man, I hate it when that happens!  I will update this blog later or when I can get the pics to me from his phone. 

New sites are coming, but you will find out more in time. You can always email me or catch me on a messenger.

I REALLY need some help with graphics, web design, advertising and a lot of other things as well. 

Oh, may be heading to Atlanta tomorrow for a couple of days.

More later.  Shop on amazon.com via my links if you like!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My First Post ....

Well, this may sound dumb to some ... my life living on a houseboat???  Well, who knows, I may change it all up and talk about my life living in a big ass house in a snobby county, lol, then to a houseboat with its own type of atmosphere that is totally different.  Maybe I will talk about my fishing prowess versus my sexual prowess and all in easy-to-read non-sexual English that, surely, people will not get disgusted over and criticize me for?  lol  This, for now, is just another facet of my life, and at the moment, is a big part of.  In fact, PLEASE remind me to upload the "fish story" catch about the brim and the bass on the Little Caesar's pizza box.  Oh, you will see, te he. 

Perhaps this is also a chance to focus on nothing, nothing at all, but myself, my thoughts as I get older and my love of fishing, and what seemed once to be the outdoors. 

So, a nutshell version of more to come/my observations so far:
  • OH MY GOD, no room in here!! ... and everything that goes along with that, which involves its own sublists which have sublists!
  • Are you REALLY that close to me??  I thought that was only in trailer parks or ... well ... sardine cans?
  • Wow, is the RIVER REALLY in my backyard??  Hmmmm, hmmmm .... I ...  well ... well ... hey, that's kind of cool! No cutting the grass, that's for sure. 
  • OH my GOD, a huuuuge fish just jumped in the river right in FRONT of my boat!  And that is NOT a fish story!  Wow, I never really thought about stuff like that!  That's so cool.
  • OH MY goodness, did another fish just jump?  OK, out with the fishing poles, I'm going to get one of those bitches ... NOW!
  • Baby, can you please move all your tools off the little tiny piece of a deck that we have? 
  • Baby, I didn't mean move the tools into the living room lol.
  • I wonder if the neighbors can hear us having sex?  LOL Duh question.
  • I don't have room for a thing, and I'm getting tired of it .... but ... hey, it's less to have to think about or get broken when a boat goes by too fast. 
  • I miss my big bedroom, I love my new air mattress bed with the down comforter and YOU in it with me every night.
  • Damn, I miss having room for people to come over.
  • Damn, I miss having room to chase the little guys around.
  • Damn baby, I miss .... well, I miss a lot sometimes.
  • Damn .... damn ... it sure is extra beautiful in the mornings on the river ... with the sun shining so bright, the fish really ARE jumping and I can HEAR THEM .... damn ... it's quiet down here.
  • You dropped WHAT off the boat?  YOUR CELL PHONE???  OH God, we would have never thought about something like that before living on the river in a houseboat.  I could just kill you!!
  • Ummmm baby, I dropped your favorite fishing pole off the boat ....
  • Hmmm, a bilge pump.  Well, I've heard of them.  How many do we need?  How do they work?  Wow, could we sink?  Are they automatic, do we have to start them ... and on and on.
  • You dropped what overboard?  Oh well, so I dropped your silk boxers over LOL

Tomorrow, or later, you get to see fish pics! 
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