Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Should Have My Butt Kicked, BUT I Won't.

I have a habit of doing this lately,  not posting on ANY of my blogs and then playing catch up! But you can't really catch up, at least not fully. Is time passing faster, or I'm just getting older?? Or is it just that I'm closer to the end of my life than the beginning? There's something to be said, though, about getting older .... DON'T DO IT!!! HAHA

Ok, let me try to make this a nutshell version about Lady Eve Lives on a Houseboat Now.
  • I have a new ADULT Domme Blog!  I shouldn't have put it up until it was fully SEO'ED, if you know what that means, ha, Search Engine Optimization.  I won't reference it too much since this is not an adult blog and it IS.  This is about my new life on a houseboat, about fishing, more fishing, boating, jetskiing, being on houseboats and living a much simpler life than before when I was Lady Eve or Lady Eve Domme the majority of the time. Oh, and speaking of Dommes, I will have an Adult Dominatrix site up soon, a foot fetish website, an XXX one that may be the site  my other sites umbrella. I will also be putting up a second foot fetish webiste that may be more for affiliate marketing than anything, an adult toys site, and an adult camsite.  Just Google me  and you will find out more.
  • I need to hire a few regular part-time people eventually, probably three, and for now, some helpers.  If anyone is interested in helping me with any of my websites in any kind of way. Any combination of the following skills will help. I will need someone/s to help update the foot fetish site and the Adult Dominatrix website and who can link me to other sites, post photos, search out forums, mainly fetish or Domme forums, and other things.  I also need someone who knows a lot about Search Engine Optimization, knows video editing, uploading content to websites, has some knowledge of html.  You don't necessarily have to have lots of knowledge about a lot of things, but at least be willing to learn and VERY teachable, while being able to take things on themselves with little direction.  
  • Ok, I've already broken that 250 word-per-blog post, so with that, I will end this and may just post another post later! Get in touch if you need to make some money!  I need to share some photos and videos!

REAL QUICK PS ... will tell you more about it, my boyfriend's mechanic website that I've nearly finished is, his first ad, or go to this URL and bookmark it,  
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